Closed Account Survey

Dear Member:

Recently you closed your Border Federal Credit Union account. We value all of our members and we strive to provide the best financial services possible.

Your views are very important and can help us make adjustments to our services where needed. Please help by completing the questionnaire below. Forms will be submitted to Border Federal Credit Union’s Supervisory Committee.

Bedell/Main Office
2211 N Bedell Ave
Del Rio, TX 78840
830-774-0548 Fax

LAFB Branch
583 Liberty Dr, Bldg 341
LAFB, TX 78843
830-298-2020 Fax

Gibbs Branch
600 E. Gibbs
Del Rio, TX 78840
830-114-3604 Fax

Crystal City Branch
2006 N Hwy 83
Crystal City, TX 78839

Eagle Pass Branch
2080 N. Veterans Blvd
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
830-757-4310 Fax